What is aggregation of LAN or WAN links Best Guide for 2024

Table of Contents

As network applications develop, network connections need to continuously increase bandwidth. This article will explore link aggregation technology. We will first analyze the factors that lead to the increase in bandwidth demand and explain the necessity of solving bandwidth bottlenecks. Next, we will define the basic principles of link aggregation and explain that it is applicable to both LAN (local area network) and WAN (wide area network) types of networks.

Then, we will explain the working mechanism and main advantages of LAN link aggregation, including increasing the overall LAN bandwidth and improving network availability. Finally, we will explain the working principle of WAN link aggregation and explain its wide application scenarios such as enterprise headquarters and branch office connections, cloud service providers and data center connections, and operator dedicated line services.

Growth in network bandwidth demand

The growth in network bandwidth demand is due to the development of technologies such as high-definition video streaming, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things. The increasing data traffic and application complexity have driven the demand for higher bandwidth to support faster data transmission and higher network performance.

Factors leading to rising bandwidth demand:

In recent years, network bandwidth demand has shown a rapid upward trend, mainly driven by the following factors:

(1) Bandwidth density of emerging applications:

  • A large number of new data-intensive and real-time interactive applications have emerged, such as virtual reality and remote collaboration.
  • These applications have high demands on network bandwidth and put forward higher requirements on network performance.

(2) Popularization of video streaming and cloud services:

  • The widespread use of emerging services such as video streaming and cloud computing has continuously increased the demand for network bandwidth.
  • These services require the transmission of large amounts of video, images and data, which has put tremendous pressure on network bandwidth.

Necessity of solving bandwidth bottleneck:

In view of the continuous growth of network bandwidth demand, it is of great significance to solve the bandwidth bottleneck problem in a timely manner:

(1) Ensure network performance and user experience:

  • Sufficient network bandwidth can ensure the smooth operation of applications and the good experience of users.
  • Avoid network delays, packet loss and other problems caused by insufficient bandwidth.

(2) Support future business development needs:

  • Proactively improve network bandwidth and leave sufficient space for future business development.
  • Ensure that the network can continue to meet the growing needs of users and lay the foundation for the development of innovative applications.

In short, with the continuous emergence of new technologies and new applications, the demand for network bandwidth shows a trend of continuous growth. Timely resolution of bandwidth bottlenecks can not only ensure current network performance, but also provide strong support for future business development, which is crucial to promoting the progress of the information society.

The concept of link aggregation

Link aggregation is the process of merging multiple physical links into one logical link to increase bandwidth, enhance redundancy, and optimize network performance. By sharing data traffic and providing backup paths, link aggregation improves network efficiency and reliability.

Basic principles of link aggregation:

Link aggregation is a technology that combines multiple network links. Its basic principles include:

(1) Combining multiple network links:

  • Aggregate multiple independent network links (such as Ethernet cables, optical fibers, etc.) together.
  • Multiple links share network traffic, increasing overall bandwidth.

(2) Improve effective bandwidth utilization:

  • Make full use of the bandwidth resources of multiple links.
  • Aggregate the originally scattered bandwidth and use it together, thereby improving the overall bandwidth utilization of the network.

Link aggregation is applicable to network types:

Link aggregation technology can be applied to the following two types of networks:

(1) LAN (local area network) link aggregation:

  • In a local area network (LAN) environment, multiple Ethernet links are aggregated for use.
  • Increases the overall available bandwidth within the LAN.

(2) WAN (wide area network) link aggregation:

  • In a wide area network (WAN) environment, multiple WAN links (such as dedicated lines, Internet, etc.) are aggregated for use.
  • Improves the overall bandwidth and reliability of WAN networks.

In short, link aggregation technology effectively improves the overall bandwidth resources and reliability of the network by reasonably aggregating multiple network links, and plays an important role in both local area networks and wide area networks.

LAN link aggregation

LAN link aggregation integrates multiple LAN links into one logical link to improve network bandwidth and redundancy. By balancing loads and providing backup paths, link aggregation optimizes data transmission efficiency and improves the performance and reliability of LANs.

Working mechanism of LAN link aggregation:

LAN link aggregation is a technology that logically aggregates multiple local area network (LAN) links together. Its working mechanism includes:

(1) Logically merge multiple LAN links:

  • Aggregate multiple independent Ethernet links (such as network cables, optical fibers, etc.) together.
  • These links are logically regarded as a single virtual link.

(2) Achieve LAN internal bandwidth aggregation:

  • Network devices can share network traffic across multiple aggregated LAN links.
  • Thereby increasing the overall available bandwidth within the LAN.

Main advantages of LAN link aggregation:

LAN link aggregation technology brings the following important advantages:

(1) Increase the overall bandwidth of the LAN:

  • Aggregate the bandwidth resources of multiple LAN links together for use.
  • Greatly increase the overall available bandwidth within the LAN.

(2) Improve network availability and redundancy:

  • When a LAN link fails, the network device can automatically switch to other available links.
  • It improves the availability and fault tolerance of LAN networks and avoids interruptions caused by single point failures.

In short, LAN link aggregation technology effectively improves the overall bandwidth resources and network reliability within the LAN by logically merging multiple LAN links. This is very important for enterprise LAN environments that require high bandwidth and high availability.

WAN link aggregation

WAN link aggregation merges multiple WAN links into a virtual link to increase bandwidth, increase redundancy, and optimize data transmission. It enhances network performance and reliability through load balancing and backup mechanisms to ensure continuous and stable network connections.

How WAN link aggregation works:

WAN link aggregation is a technology that aggregates multiple wide area network (WAN) links. Its working principles include:

(1) Aggregate multiple WAN dedicated lines or Internet links:

  • Aggregate multiple independent WAN lines (such as dedicated lines, Internet, etc.) together for use.
  • These links are logically regarded as a single virtual link.

(2) Expand the overall available bandwidth of the WAN:

  • Network devices can share network traffic on multiple aggregated WAN links.
  • Thereby greatly increasing the overall available bandwidth of the WAN network.

Application scenarios of WAN link aggregation:

WAN link aggregation technology is widely used in the following scenarios:

(1) Connection between corporate headquarters and branches:

  • Enterprises aggregate multiple WAN links to connect headquarters and geographically dispersed branches.
  • Improves the bandwidth and reliability of internal corporate network communications.

(2) Connection between cloud service providers and data centers:

  • Cloud service providers use WAN aggregation to connect data centers and users.
  • To meet the needs of high-bandwidth and high-reliability cloud services.

(3) Dedicated line services provided by operators:

  • Operators can provide WAN aggregation services to provide enterprise customers with high-bandwidth and redundant dedicated lines.
  • This service ensures the quality of network connection for key business of enterprises.

In short, WAN link aggregation technology effectively improves the overall bandwidth resources and reliability of wide area networks by merging multiple WAN lines, and plays an important role in meeting the application needs of enterprises and cloud services.


Link aggregation technology provides an effective solution for improving network bandwidth. Our company has long been focusing on the research and development and application of network optimization technology and has rich practical experience. We provide powerful link aggregation equipment, which is widely used in various network scenarios such as enterprises, cloud service providers, and operators.

Our link aggregation equipment adopts industry-leading technical solutions, and has achieved excellent levels in key indicators such as bandwidth aggregation efficiency, link redundancy reliability, and management convenience. At the same time, our team of engineers will provide you with professional demand analysis and solution design services to ensure that the deployed link aggregation solution can meet your actual needs to the greatest extent. Contact us now to learn more.

LAN and WAN Link Aggregation FAQ

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